In God’s Eyes

Hard times can shatter our self-image. But how does God see us? This does wonders for our security and image.

In God’s Eyes

How can I feel worthless,
unclean and useless,
fearful and afraid
when that’s not how I’m made?        
Rom.8:15, Is.44:2,21

God fearfully and wonderfully
made me in His image.
He formed and fashioned every part
including mind and soul and heart.
Gen.1:26-27, Ps.33:15, 119:73, 139:13-16

He tells me in His Word
I am clean, forgiven, righteous;
righteous with God’s righteousness,
for in His Son I have acceptance.
Eph.1:6, Col.1:14, Rom.3:21-24, 2Cor.5:21

I am precious in His sight,
chosen as His Bride.
He loves me and I stand
in the centre of His plan.
Eph.5:30-32, Is.43:4, 54:5,10, 62:5, Rom.8:28

He is a faultless, faithful Husband;
to my soul the one, true Lover.
Intimately He knows me;
to Him I’m truly lovely.
Hos.2:16,19-20, Ps.89:33-34, Rom.8:35,38-39, 1John 4:16

His delight is ever in me;
my good He always seeks.
I’m the apple of His eye;
as well, I am His child.
Is.62:4-5, Zeph.3:17, Jer.32:40-41, Rom.8:28,
Deut.32:10, Ps.17:8, Jn.1:12

He is my loving Father,
but also is my Brother.
He speaks to me as His Friend;
not one promise will be broken.
Rom.8:16, Matt.6:8, 5:18, Heb.2:11, Jn.15:15, Is.40:8

I’m the daughter of the King;
I wear His clothes and ring,
a symbol of His Spirit given
to make me beautiful within.
Ps.45:13-14, Luke 15:21-22

He promises the hope of Heaven,
a place prepared, reserved for me
to share in the wedding feast.
What glory that will be!
John 14:2-3, 1Pet.1:4, Rev.19:7-9, Eph.1:18

He calls me by my name,
assures me I am His,
that He’ll never leave me nor forsake
however hard the path I take.
Is.43:1-2, Ps.9:10, Heb.13:5-6

He’s my Shepherd; I’m His sheep;
faithfully He leads and keeps.
I’m held in the hollow of His hand.
Complete in Him, I take my stand.
Ps.23, John 10:14, 27-28,Is.49:16,Col.2:9-10

No one can condemn me,
accuse me to my Father,
for Jesus is my Saviour;
also He’s my Defender.
Rom.8:1, 33-34

If I do not understand
just how special that I am,
it’s because I’ve blocked my ears,
doubt or won’t believe,
fooled by the lies and glitter
of treacherous, false lovers;
thus an adulteress, idolater,
scorning my soul’s true Lover.
Heb.2:1, 3:12-15, Jer.3:1,8,14

But still when I am faithless,
He remains so very faithful
and tenderly and jealously,
persistently seeks and woos me
into His warm embrace,
back from the desert place.
2Tim.2:13, Hos.11:4, 2:14, Deut.32:10

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In God’s Eyes” is poem 11 in series “Deliverance From a Horrible Pit”. Links to Poems 1 – 9 are found at end of this poem.
“In God’s Eyes” comes from the books “Comfort When Life Hurts” and  “Loved

Links to poems 1 – 10 in series

Poem 1: I Am Angry, God
Poem 2: Afraid
Poem 3: I Will Trust You
Poem 4: I Want You
Poem 5: My Deepest Need
Poem 6: But This I Know
Poem 7: Made Whole
Poem 8: He Has Been There Before
Poem 9: God Is My Hero
Poem 10: The World Is Hurting

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