ThankYou, Father

Being overwhelmed with the pain and misery of my circumstances, a day came when it dawned on me that I had not thanked God for anything for many weeks. The poem, “Thank You Father”,  is a prayer written as I realized how much there was to be thankful for. God’s blessings still were (and are) given every day in untold number if I only lifted my eyes beyond myself to see them. I still like to read (and pray) this poem when things are tough and I get myself back into a slimy pit.

Thank You, Father

I want to thank You, Father,
for Your constant blessings
and ask You for forgiveness
that when I’m filled with busyness,
cares and lots of burdens,
I am slow to acknowledge You
and see Your gifts
each day abounding new.

The sun rises every morning with light and warmth to bless,
a reminder of Your mercy and that Your faithfulness is fresh.
It never varies from its spot, so never hurts our earth
by burning, freezing, but provides perfectly for living.

I thank You for the gift, Lord,
of friends and family:
people who accept your flaws,
but in you still believe.

Thank You too for love and kindness,
gentleness and goodness,
forgiveness, peace, happiness,
courage and unselfishness,
heroic acts, bravery,
persistence, trust, honesty,
freedom, truth, beauty,
sacrifice and love of duty.

Dear Lord, in Your gifts Your Image is reflected.
The giver of all wholesome gifts, to You we are directed.
You alone are perfect in Your being and Your ways;
thank You too, You are wise and true in all You say.

Even, Lord, I thank You for those who are my foes,
for You use them in kindness to keep me on my toes.
Thus I prove Your grace sufficient for each and every need
and grow assured Your promises are real and safe to heed.

I thank You, Father, for the scenery about me:
the purple-headed mountains, hills, crags, rocks and valleys,
the plains, the rivers, sparkling streams,
the moon, the stars, the heavens;
and thank You for the colour and changing of the seasons.

All the creatures, large and small, the strong as well as weak –
like the fierce and mighty lion and the timid things that creep –
express Your power and greatness in their diversity.
So brilliant in design, we cannot fathom with our minds.

Through nature’s colours, scents and shapes,
Your Glory also is displayed.
How intricate! How magnificent
is creation’s vast array!

For clouds and rain, the gentle breeze,
clean, pure water, air to breathe,
eyes to see and ears to hear,
a nose to smell all sorts of smells,
for fingers that with pleasure sense,
I lift my heart with praises hence.

You made us each unique with our own special feats.
You gave gifts and talents that suit us with exactness.
So may I honour and obey You
in everything I do,
glory in You more and more,
love You, praise, adore!

You fashioned all of me in love,
yet sometimes I covet, Lord,
another’s looks and talents
not content with how I’m formed.

But thank You for Your arms
which are wide and always open;
and for Your promise to be with me
however rugged life and broken.

Thank You, Jesus, for Your shed blood
to cleanse from all my sin;
and thank You, Spirit, for Your work in me
creating holiness within.
Thank You, Father, for the glorious hope
of going home to You
where Heaven rings with your praise…
this I also want to do!
(Eph.5:20, James 1:17, Ps.68:19)

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