But This I Know

This is the very first poem I wrote when overcome with pain and hurt back in 2004. The desire to write it came after a close friend of mine, who was also going through her own trials, told me she could not understand anymore how God would let her suffer so greatly. She wrote a poem “I Do not Know…”. I agreed and understood what she was sharing, but wanted to figure out and respond to our pain with what I do know about God, even if we did not understand. Hence the poem.

But This I Know

There are many things in life I do not understand!
There are many things that come my way
I would readily see banned.
This sin-infected world robs of joys that should embrace;
I’m troubled and confused, unable things to face.

But this I surely know:
Jesus never changes!
He knows all things about me
and understands completely.

I also know
He hasn’t finished with me yet,
that He plans ahead for me
and is working constantly.

I do not know
why He permits  me so often to be tried;
and why my heart can anguish for greater peace of mind.
Though I don’t perceive the reasons,
I know He always knows and completely understands,
while working out His perfect, wise, eternal, loving plans.

Thus I know
I can trust in Him  most surely.
No other one will do!
He will never sleep or fail me
any morning, night or noon.

He will finish His good work begun.
Oh, the joy when this is done!
For on that day into His Presence,
all glorious, He’ll call me to come.

Then will it be I’ll really realise
how right His ways and always wise.

thankyou, my Lord Jesus,
for setting Your love on me.
You took me from a mixed-up scene
and within made me clean.
You gave Your Spirit to me
to bring about Your changes
and comfort and assure You will never let me go
till I stand before Your Presence
dressed in Your  own, righteous robe.

Until then,
although I do not understand
what is happening in my world,
I rest in the wise and loving hands
of One who knows, understands
and works to His unfailing plans.

(Phil.1:6, Jude 24, Prov.3:5-6, Is.55:8-9, 61:10, Ps.33:4)

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