Is God Real?

 Is it true that God is real?
Or someone strong out there is what we want to feel;
a fantasy in our minds, needing one to care;
a fairy story, so we can the Living God ignore.
What stony hearts these reveal to the very core!

We dot “i’s” and cross the “t’s”
or to many things bow and plead:
gods of wood or stone, people, pleasures,
the stars, the sun, earthly treasures.
Some worship cows, at cobras stare,
even call on spirits lurking in the air.
But these never speak of a Father up in Heaven.

When we take the time to look around,
how can we doubt what abounds?
The sky, the clouds, the wind and storms,
the grass, the creatures, great and small,
colour, mountains, canyons, seas
shout their Maker’s majesty.

This glorious God who made things be
rules His universe perfectly.
Though His ways we may not understand
and His thoughts surpass our thoughts and plans,
He urges that to Him we come
and know how real His grace and love.

Jesus Christ, God’s begotten Son,
came to earth in flesh and blood.
In a body just like us,
He showed what God is like… how great His love!
Risen, He lives in Heaven above
calling us to turn to this One who truly loves.

Christ will return for you and me!
We’ll see Him then in reality
and enjoy what now we cannot see,
His very person for eternity.
Thus rejoicing in this precious hope,
we walk each day by faith in Him.
Through every trial called to face,
we will taste His sweetness, grace,
confident of His goodness, peace,
bask in His love; His intimacy.

How can we ever doubt He lives
when we know we’re beloved and we are His!

(Ps.19:1-3, 115:2-8, 18:30, Jer.10:6-13, 31:3, 1Chron.16:26, Is.55:8-9, 40:12-31, Song of Sol.6:3, John14:2-3,1John3:2, Phil.3:20-21, 1Pet.1:3-8)

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