This poem was written after the 2004 tsunami and other dreadful tradgedies that were occurring around the world at that time. I am posting this poem now as things are still the same today and we all are forced to have a response to them. This was one of my responses: to put into words and prayer the pain and horror and how God fits into the picture.
The World Is Hurting! 
Lord, I cannot perceive
the pain, the hurt, the tears
from devastations, tragedies
that across our world sear.
Children whimper, their mothers stare:
they can’t meet the needs of food and care.
So they watch and hold in agony of soul
as their little ones grow swollen, cold.
Pathetically they swat lingering flies
… until they die!
More than half the world in poverty’s born
all because of needless war.
Life is lived in fear! Who knows next
the home, the village to be brutally wrecked?
No one is safe, people grieve
missing ones and family.
All have broken lives to tell,
even in lands of comfort, wealth:
broken hearts, broken health;
abounds deceit, corruption, stealth.
And who knows what tragedy next
as man against man terrorises.
Every day finds a new crisis
and the maimed, wounded, death toll rises.
Lord, sometimes it is Your sovereign acts
You allow that causes grief.
Lives are lost and thousands weep,
so we question our beliefs.
But we read in Psalm ninety-three,
the Lord God reigns in majesty.
He’s mightier than the roaring seas
rising, destroying from tsunamis.
Also greater than men and demons
and every evil they conceive.
We cannot understand; our minds so fragile, finite.
You alone see and know it all.
In You we trust, to You we call
to save us and our world’s sad plight,
to reveal Your justice, goodness, light,
though things seem as black as night.
It is not for us to give the reasons,
but to weep with those who weep.
We can know God in these seasons,
know He is with us and His comfort deep.
However crushed and hard to cope,
Your name, Jesus, alone brings hope!
Bible references
(Ps.93, 46:1-3, 61:1, 62:8, Is.55:8-9, Acts 4:12, 1 John 5:20)