
When all around seems dark,
pain and anguish fill your heart,
hope has flown and worry gnaws,
remember God because…

Dilemma is rife in the world;
evil’s entrenched and a-whirl;
Satan and sin seek to defeat
every one however neat:
black, white, yellow or mixed,
downtrodden, poor, rich or elite.
(1John 5:19, 1 Pet..5:8)

All know the effects, none is free
from sin that causes stress and steam,
to covet and steal, struggle, deceive,
to hurt, to lie, hate and fight.
No wonder we suffer terrible dilemmas!

But this isn’t the end, remember…

God reigns in Heaven:
on none He depends!
He alone has no flaw,
His justice is sure,
wisdom inscrutable
and love above measure.
He knows all about us,
yet by Him we are treasured.
(Is.40:12-14,28, 46:9-10,
Rom.11:33-36, Jude 25, 1Tim.1:17,
Ps.115:3, 135:4,6, 139:1-10)

Remember that God in His infinite love
knew our predicament before life begun.
He planned our salvation, achieved it and won
when He sent to this world His beloved, dear Son.
(Rom.5:8, 2Tim1:9)

Jesus, God’s Son, was born of a virgin
and lived as man on our sin-stricken earth.
He toiled and He shared;
He wept and He cared;
the broken He sought;
of God’s Kingdom He taught
and how we should live
in the victory He gives.
(Luke 1:26-27, Phil.2:6-8)

The priests and religious hated the Christ;
said He blasphemed and therefore must die.
But the Father in Heaven had planned before time
that His Son, through dying, would save lost mankind.

He took on Himself our sin and sorrow,
defeated the Enemy at the price of His blood
when He suffered and died as no other one.
To those who believe, He brings hope and delivers
from sin and the prisons of all our dilemmas.
(1Pet.2:24, Is.53:4-5, Col.1:13-14, 2:13-15)

But there is more to remember…

The grave could not hold Him;
He rose from the dead,
then ascended to Heaven
just as He said,
to intercede for us
and that He be our Head.
(Luke 24:7-8, Rom.8: 34, Eph.1:22)

He knew whom He died for; His plans cannot fail!
He sent the Spirit of God to comfort the frail,
to convince of righteousness, judgement and sin,
to enter our hearts and work from within.
Cleansed and forgiven, He gives a heart for the truth
and a heart to love others however aloof.
But we still live in a sin troubled world,
feel its effects and attempts to distress,
so there is more to remember…
(2Cor.1:22, Rom.8:26, 5:5,
John 16:7-11, Is.51:12, Ezek.11:19-20, 36:27)

Remember He said He would never forsake us,
never abandon the good work He’s begun.
He promises strength new every day
to meet all the trials we face on the way.
Thus, while in this dilemma-filled world we live,
remember each day His Power is within,
His grace sufficient to deliver from sin
and He provides us with help so we do not give in.
(Heb.13:5, Col.1:11, Phil.1:6, 4:13,
2Cor.12:9, 9:8, 1Cor.10:13)

Therefore continue to look to God and remember…

One day He’ll call us into His presence
and we shall be changed to be like Him.
We will leave our sin and terrible dilemmas
behind and enter the glory of Heaven.
When the last trumpet sounds, we who believe
resurrection bodies receive
and rise up to meet Him, to forever be with Him
in the presence of love and unceasing praise –
no longer troubled by terrible dilemmas
with their sorrows, tears, heartaches and pains.
(1Thess.4:16-18, 1Cor.15:51-53,
1John 3:2, Rev.21:3-5, Phil.3:20-21)

Remember these truths and rejoice our days through!
(Deut.8:2-19, Is.46:8-10, Jer.51:50b,
Ps.42:6, 77:10-12, 78:4-7, 89:16, 111:4)

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