This is my prayer
for you this year
because I love you.
So will you hear?
A new school year is soon to start!
New books and clothes make you look smart!
But may God much more to you bring:
holy, good and precious things.
May you grow in strength as you exercise;
in wisdom when to new things you rise;
grow in knowledge as you learn the facts –
how to spell and do your maths.
May you learn more of the world God made;
thank Him and see you enjoy each day.
May you grow in things you are special at
and remember God made you to be like that.
Grow to trust God in everything,
even when life has a sting:
times you think unjust and hard
and when sadness fills your heart.
My prayer is also that you grow in grace,
which you will if you God embrace.
May you grow in kindness, grow in truth
and in ways of serving too.
Grow unselfish; grow in love:
to succeed you need help from above.
Grow in beauty, not the outside kind,
but beauty in your heart and mind.
May the year bring you success,
some surprises and much happiness.
Make each day count so it is great.
These …. my prayers for you on every date.