Fear Not
“Fear not for I have formed you;
fear not: I have redeemed you;
fear not: you are Mine!
Your Saviour for all time”.
“Fear not”, God’s word to Abraham;
My covenant with you stands.
It is I who will reward you;
My promise will come true.”
“Fear not” God spoke to Moses
when an enemy a threat poses.
“I will deliver into your hands;
you take possession of the land”.
“Be not afraid nor dismayed”,
to Joshua did God say;
“Wherever you go, I’ll be with you,
but be careful My Book to do”.
“Do not fear”: the word to His people;
“You are chosen by Me… don’t be feeble!
To strengthen and help you, I plan
and will hold you with My right hand”.
To Gideon as well as Isaiah,
to David and Jeremiah:
“Do not be dismayed or afraid
for I am with you”, God did say.
(Ps.56:11, Jud.6:23, Jer.1:8)
The same reassurance years later:
An angel to Mary spake it;
Zacharias and Joseph too
and when frightened shepherds heard the news.
(Matt.1:20, Lk.1:13,30,2:9-10 )
Remember the storm on the lake…..
disciples feared through lack of faith.
But Jesus came walking the waves
and said, “It is I; do not be afraid”.
(John 6:19-20)
To the tomb an angel was sent
to console the grieving women:
“Jesus has risen! Be not afraid;
Come, see the place where He lay”.
When the disciples were locked in a room
frightened and full of gloom,
Jesus came and spoke gently to each,
“It is I! See my wounds! Be at peace!”
God’s message to the anxious don’t miss;
be comforted, strengthened by this:
God cares for the sparrows; the lilies He grows;
yet more value on us, He bestows.
In all our trials and fears
Jesus says, “Be not troubled….. Believe!
Your real home waits you in heaven:
I’ll be with you for ever and ever”.
(John 14:1-3)
Do not fear if suffering you find;
persecution lasts only a time.
Be faithful to God, even to death.
The Crown of Life yours for enduring the test.
So the sum of it all for us:
trust in God is a must!
With our hope anchored firmly in Him,
fear will not, yea cannot win.
(Ps.56:3, 42:6,11, Heb.6:19)