The heart, scarred and bruised,
wrapped, protected from new wounds,
chases this world’s lure of pleasure.
But these are broken cisterns,
so the soul remains athirst
for Living Water to immerse.
To turn to You is my need;
in You, Lord Jesus, I am free.
You loved and died to redeem
and bring abundant life to me.
Reconciled, remade, at peace,
You alone my thirst meets.
Lord, search my heart and give me grace
on Yourself to trust and wait.
In every struggle each day faced,
may to You I turn
to quench my thirst
and not to others run with haste.
Until the final day when Heaven’s reached
and from earth’s struggles I am released
to know perfect wholeness, glory, peace,
I joy in this hope
and turn to You
who will keep me each day through.
(Jer.2:13, John 4:13-14, 7:37-38, 8:32, 10:10 –11
Rom.5:1, Ps.42:1-2, Rev.3:20, 21:2-7, Lam.3:25-26)