Does it make any difference after all to life or is it something
just tacked on because I think I should believe something?
I Am A Believer
I am a "believer"!
What is it I believe?
I believe I am a child of God
loved eternally.
(John 1:12, 1John 3:1-2, Jer.31:3)
I believe His word is pure,
wise and strong and true.
Not one promise will be broken;
He'll keep me all life through.
(Prov.30:5, 2:6, Ps.119:142,
Is.54:10, Matt.5:18, Heb.13:5-6)
He set His love on me
before the world had light
He formed me for His purposes;
I'm precious in His sight.
(Eph.1:4, Is.43:1,4)
I believe the Father's love
is so great I cannot measure!
I know because He pours on me
His grace – and this His pleasure!
(Eph.3:18-19, 2:7-9, Luke 12:32)
I believe the love of His dear Son,
who came from Heaven above
and in His body bore my sin –
such mighty, deep, deep love!
(1Pet.2:24, 1John 3:1, 4:9, John 3:16)
I believe He rose from the grave,
is alive beside His Father,
and urges us to turn and come,
know Him and His comfort.
(Rom.8:34, Heb.4:16,
Eph.2:18, Matt.11:28-30)
I believe His Spirit is at work in me
to fulfil God's gracious plan,
transforming that I like Jesus be,
preparing for the Promised Land.
(Eph.1:13, 2:10, 2 Cor.1:22,
1John 3:2, Rom.8:29)
I know Heaven is before me;
one day, His work in me complete.
I'll enjoy the glory of God's presence
when from sin and strife released.
(John 14:2-3, Rom.8:18,
Phil.1:6,Col.1:5, 1 Pet.1:3-4)
I believe; yes, I believe!
His peace confirms His presence.
He loves, He cares, He keeps, He tends
and will do so to the end.
(Is.26:3, Ps.23
John 16:33, 10:4,14-15,27-29,)
Thus I trust Him with my life;
I trust Him with each day.
Whether skies are blue or gray,
I'll trust His perfect way.
(Ps.62:8, 18:2, John 10:27, 2 Sam.22:31)